31. For the protection of youth, a holder of a video material retail dealer’s licence who displays on the premises of his video material business video material classified as “18 and over” and characterized by the director of classification as “sexually explicit” or video material referred to in paragraph 4 of section 86.2 of the Act, must arrange that material as well as the packaging advertising the material in one of the following ways:(1) in a separate area delimited by partitions made of a material that prevents anyone from clearly seeing the contents of the display or of the automatic distributor, placed contiguously and at least 1.18 m high; a sign visible at all times must be posted at the entrance to the area and must bear the word “ADULTES” in characters at least 5 cm high by 2.5 cm wide with a thick stroke of at least 5 mm, of a uniform colour contrasting with the background colour of the sign, and of a uniform font;
(2) on a display or in an automatic distributor in such a manner that only the titles of the films are in public view;
(3) in a catalogue.